After several new hires, the follow-up to the controversial Cyberpunk 2077 is taking shape.

Cyberpunk 2077 was launched on December 10th, 2020, and received quite a mixed bag of responses. The game felt rushed and under-delivered in more ways than one.

Also, its performance was so poor on the last-generation consoles that Sony went as far as pulling it off the PlayStation Store. After three years, innumerable patches, and an expansion later, Cyberpunk 2077 finally became the game it had always promised to be.

CD Projekt Red has stated that work on its previous game is finally finished, and now their focus has transitioned to its sequel, Project Orion.

Some famous names have recently joined the team, such as –

  • Dan Hernberg is perhaps most well-known for his role as Lead Product Manager at Blizzard Entertainment.
  • Ryan Barnard, who will be joining as Design Director, is known for being the Gameplay Director for IO Interactive, the team behind the Hitman series.
  • Anna Megill is the award-winning game writer who worked on Control, Dishonored: Death of an Outsider, and the upcoming Fable reboot. She will be joining as the Lead Writer for the Project Orion.
  • Alexander Freed, a New York Times bestselling author and comic book writer, will reinforce their writing talent. Over the years, he has worked with many substantial companies such as DICE, Obsidian Entertainment, Wizards of the Coast, and more.
  • Alan Villani will head up the technical side of things as Engineering Director. He was formerly the VP of Technology on numerous WB games and Mortal Kombat titles.

With all this talent, it’ll be interesting to see the direction in which the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 goes. Will it remain in the first person? Or will navigating a new iteration of Night City in the third person?

Either way, I’m ready to take down some more cyber psychos, so here’s hoping CD Projekt Red can deliver on their promises this time.