Pet Simulator X launched about a year ago and has been getting frequent updates from the developers over at BIG Games.

The game has seen quite a growth in the player base thanks to its fun nature and rewarding gameplay. However, the player base has seen a slight dip over the past three months for several reasons.

Some players either got tired of the game due to no significant update or didn’t feel like playing anymore.

The good news is that the devs have promised to release a massive update on the anniversary of Pet Simulator X.

Pet Simulator X Anniversary Update Expected Features

The latest massive update of Pet Simulator X is expected to launch on Friday, July 29th, 2022 – marking one year since the game’s release.

As such, the developers have promised to go BIG – no pun intended – to ensure that all the players are happy with this update.

As of right now, there isn’t any news on what features we can expect since the devs have been relatively silent on this matter.

All we know is that the game will add something new and exciting. However, there have been a few leaks and speculations that show us what this update will feature.

That is why we will talk about that in the next section below.

Pet Simulator X Anniversary Leaks

Since the devs have been pretty quiet about what they plan to add in this update, we have made a list of what we can expect.

Firstly, we will see new pets in this update and maybe a new zone or a new world.

Since this is no minor update, we might see all three things mentioned above added to the game.

Now that we’ve discussed what we can expect, let’s look at some of the leaks the community has done.

As with most leaks, take this with a grain of salt since the devs might remove a few of these items as they may have been only for testing purposes.

Also, most of these leaks are from RBXG Leaks, and they have gotten many leaks correct previously.

cyborg capybara pet sim x

First, the new pets we might get in this update are the Cyborg Capybara.

As you can see in the image above, the hacked game files show that this is how the Cyborg Capybara will look in-game.

On top of that, tons of other things have leaked, such as new items for potential mini-games, icons, and eggs that you can hatch.


We are incredibly excited about the upcoming update and won’t have to wait long now.

Since these leaks come from a reliable source, we can almost say that you will see these items in the game.